Fashion is a form of emancipation in a world that somehow forces a square peg into a round hole. This opportunity allows us to express our truest selves – our creativity, profession, personality, advocacy, faith, quirks, and eccentricities – and our values through our taste in clothes, accessories and the whole shebang is priceless. I find it important that we reach out and let people know that it’s okay to express our authenticity, to be different, and to style as we please.
Even with the countless choices that are readily available, a lot of people still struggle with self-expression and branding through fashion. My ultimate goal is to help you discover your personal style. What meshes perfectly with your current lifestyle? Are you comfortable with these choices? Do you think this showcases who you truly are? These are just some of the questions that we need to answer. I want you to know that it is of utmost importance to me that we break out of the moldings we have taken on. People might think that this is challenging, but taking simple and easy steps can get us started in the right direction.
On my blog and on my YouTube channel, I will talk about establishing a firm stand and staying grounded. Exposure to social media often sways us to the point that it is easy to lose sight of the real us. Being grounded and rooted helps us break free of this. I want you to know that I will rally you to get to where you need to be so you can achieve this. This is one battle that we will fight together and I am doing this since I am Bridgett Battles. Kidding aside, we can do this.
Your Bridgett Battles experience is not about me. It is about you. Always. Let’s come together to discover what works for you and what doesn’t. Can you do me a favor? Leave your messages in the comments section so we can unravel the mystique of fashion together. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to raise them. I have years of wonderful experience in the fashion industry. However, I wouldn’t want to impose my preferences on you. As we break free of the traditional fashion molds and celebrate our true selves, it is imperative that you share what works for you and what does not.
Let us embrace being fashionably different while staying genuine. Let the beautiful hues of fashion enhance your real beauty. Whether you pile on layers or keep it crisp, choose splashes of color or monotones, reach for something trendy or timeless, what is important is that you are making the choices that suit you. And I am here to guide you in making that a reality. That is the Bridgett Battles experience.